It turns out, Thursday I had a couple of hours to work on the boat. Satisfied with the fit of the stern rail, I went about getting the beautiful thing out of harms way for the fall and winter. I attached it to the garage ceiling rafters.

Next, I went to work on the boat. The previous weekend, I had tried to identify where the trouble spots were on the port sidedeck, and used a sharpie to mark where I thought I should cut. Without further ado, I peeled up the tarped, plugged in the extension cord, and got the saw. I cut on the dotted lines where I could get to with the circular saw, then finished up with the dremel.

Without the initial timidity I had on the starboard sidedeck, it went much faster. After the cuts, I got the tools I used previously for prying up the deck skins, and went at it. I was pretty satisfied with the results. Most of the skin sections I cut weren't too bad at all to remove. There are a couple of spots where I may need to cut more, however. I'll have to dig around and see how far back under the skin the wet/bad core goes in those spots...

So, after the panels were removed, I chisled the remaining core material off the undersides of the skins and the lower layer of the deck. Done!
This weekend, the weather looks good and I hoping to grind everything down and at least get the new core glued in place. We'll see. I added more pics of the carnage to the September album to the right.