More grinding to make sure the surfaces were really ready for epoxying. On one of the pieces which I had cracked while prying it off, I ground right through it while I was trying to grind it smooth. Oh well, I got out the jig saw and cut a semi circle around the area. I'll fill and fair it later. This is from the next day, Sunday when I was cutting the corecell pieces for the deck. You can see the notch on the left and the core cell underneath the deck pieces.
Next, this happened. Here are the links, because I'm way too lazy to write it again: Deck Hole 1, and Deck Hole 2
I shot off a panicked email to Tim, and in his usual fasion, he talked me down and explained what the stuff was/is: "That gunk is some of the polyester resin that Pearson used for bonding the liner in place". His email was much more informative and verbose, but that's the gist. The mat underneath the old resin in the pictures is the backside of the cabin headliner. He suggested that I not obsess over it, fill it with thickened epoxy, then patch it with a layer of fiberglass cloth before I install the new core - which I did. For what it's worth, I'm astonished that he is willing to take the time (again and again, I might add!) to respond, encourage, and explain so many questions I've asked him. And I'm all the more grateful to him as he is in the midst of building his own house! So, "Thanks Tim!". You are very much appreciated!
Rear chainplate:

and the new one on the right.
Oops! I was late for dinner with the in-laws and the family. End of Saturday.